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               The social economic condition for the rural community in Indonesia is very poor. The lower of income per capita of a household, malnutrition and the higher of drop out of student are the unsolved problems until now.  Agricultural sector as the main income sources for the rural community has not provide the maximal contribution. This is caused by the limitation of the knowledge of farmers in application of modern agricultural method. In addition, it also caused by capability of farmers who can not buy the very expensive fertilizer and pesticide. Therefore, the negative issues of this condition  the malnutrition and the poor health condition and the lower of interest for continoues their study.            Therefore, the rural community in Indonesia still in marginal position. Therefore, thingking contribution to find out and formulate the method and strategy for the increasing of social economic status of the rural community is very necessary such as training in modern agricultural, nutrition, health and increasing of awareness for the continuation of the study in school.


             To improve the social economic condition of the rural community through agricultural sector, supply of nutrition and the better health condition in addition to the increasing of awareness to the school education.   

Scope af work area:           

             SIMETRI, one of NGO in Indonesia that pay attention to the rural community, implementing any strengthening program in all of rural region in Indonesia without ethnic, race, or religion discrimination. 

 A.    The Simetri: About Us

                   The SIMETRI as an independent non-profit organization that as nongovernment organization forming that progresses on cultural study section and community development especially in rural society. Besides, also perform humanity tasks that refer with condition and specific situation such as nature disaster.Fewer knowledge that owned by rural society community, causing them marginal in terminology including development policy severe non siding to their life. Besides, centralization for the whole development aspects in urbanization area causes to increase migration society flow from rural to urban area with searching working reason, to continue to study or to the existence assuming, which rural society identical with poorests society (underdevelopment), unproved and incurrent. So, rural condition more passed by that without balanced the policy existence to develop rural and its society. The other word, as long as no one policy from government taking maximalization to the poorest society in rural area, causes them marginal and can`t movable as like modern in globalization era. They are underdevelopment society, poor and always behind in civilization.Because of that, rural society powered is felt as an important meaning untul to posses ability and capability to defense its live including to prove its teritory. With so, the cultural community in rural area can be capable to posses paradigm to develop its own self and its area until capable to complete with urban community who have more benefit of development priority results.

 B.          The SIMETRI: Vision and Mission

               As for becoming, The SIMETRI vision is Community Development Assistance that provides concrete contribution. To rural society. Instead, The SIMETRI mission as rural community prove achieving, current and prestige such economically and socially with constantly develops community creativity.

 C.    The SIMETRI: Objectives and Targets

                As for becoming as purpose and the SIMETRI maily targeting as focused to rural community, namely by implanting activities such: recording study and implementation to variety problems, constraint and resistance that faced by rural comunity. Until prossess skilful and knowledge to achieve ideal live level, proving and prestige. Besides that also implements adjacent activity in the activity in the effort to lift up, to educate to the better direction.Rural community that meants as area less proved and isolated until by opening to their isolation that to range to their isolation that capable to perceive development that to range to their area in effort to increase social develeopment and economic that more useful and appropriate useful in accordance to global community concepts that contains universal civilization.The SIMETRI on achieving the objectives and the target that meant constatly will prefer will prefer and forwarding rural public needs throughout activity mechanism such as inventarization (invitatory), study and implementation included adjoining that reffered to rural community needs. 

D.   The SIMETRI: Working Outline

                   On achieving objective and target that has been development, so as for The SIMETRI working outline covering are:a.      Inventarization ( Stoctaking )            Namely by implementing research activity, survey or mapping in variety problem effort they faced by rural community. That case can covering knowledge limitation and capibility, proved inhibition factors including to limitation that they prossess. By so, stocktaking activity aims to discover problems on social development or rural community economic that causing territorial left behind, mentality and physically.b.      Study             Namely to implementto study about the problem that has already on stoctaking by following methods and systematic erudiate approaching. Developed with various theory with the problem is being discussed and then to carry on conclusion theoretically and statiscally.c.       Implementation            Namely the implication policy basically findings that reached throughout systematically erudite study. Implication that means as real implication and concrete that providing direct contribution to rural community. Until rural community contains paradigm on self-development in district economic, district frame, its territorial and its socially.d.      Assistance            Namely activity that made to various programs that require assistance until collectively cold discovered problems, fixing and concrete implication program 

E.    The SIMETRI: Section and Working Area

            The SIMETRI working area covering area covering regions, especially in Indonesia with rural society community or isolated regions namely empowering rural community. Conditionally, also working on to regions that knocked-over natural disaster in humanity action. The SIMETRI working section covering to concerning that referring to reality rural society community development community such as:Human Rights developmentGender and Children violence and woman Educational HealthyEcosystem andLiving environmentalThe SIMETRI, particularly is not disregard other things that reffering to rural community empowering that has not included in working scope that determined as mentioned above.

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